Why Usama Ekpeye?

Usama Ekpeye's vision for the 21st century is to become the agent of positive transformation in Ekpeyeland and be known for its community work that creates a healthy climate and opportunities for people to pursue their educational and economic development aspirations.

Values represent the core principles that guide the major decisions of an organization. The values define the governing principles of an organization and helps it determine what it will and will not do.

  • We believe communities develop by people getting involved and working together toward a common vision.
  • We hold ourselves accountable and pursue the highest ethical and performance standards.
  • We honor our commitments and are determined to make a difference.
  • We believe in creation of opportunities that enable individual and corporate development and growth.
  • People are the greatest resource of an enterprise; therefore they need to be valued, nurtured, and developed.
  • We emphasize projects that serve the greater good.
  • All peoples are endowed with the ability to alter the way they live if they so choose.

Usama Ekpeye's Goal

Educational Goal

Increase enrollment and access to schools at all levels (elementary, secondary, and tertiary) for young people and enhance the quality of Ekpeye Schools.

Healthcare Goal

Improve healthcare access in Ekpeyeland through partnership with healthcare providers, physician organizations, national and international healthcare organizations, pharmaceutical companies, the private sector, and government agencies.

Economic Empowerment Goal

Promote a business climate that values transparency, new knowledge creation, innovation, entrepreneurship, and accountability.

Fundraising Goal

Engage in active fundraising to support the organization's mission.

Cultural Goal

Support Ekpeye cultural programs, workshops, seminars, and conventions that bring Ekpeye people in the USA together and help instill a sense of national heritage, purpose, and direction to our children born and raised in the USA
